Overview realisation of the budget for year 2005. inclusive 30 December 2005

Item Description Granted Realized %
411 Wages, bonuses, compensations 2.492.000,00 2.446.425,25 98,17
412 Contributions 440.000,00 423.442,00 96,24
413 Compensations in kind 200.000,00 8.999,99 4,50
414 Social grants 100.000,00 57.390,70 57,39
415 Compensations for employees 200.000,00 18.124,42 9,06
416 Remunerations and bonuses 478.000,00 434.704,99 90,94
421 Standing expenses 1.425.000,00 343.674,17 24,12
422 Travel costs 760.000,00 14.290,00 1,88
423 Contract services 2.925.000,00 1.724.571,49 58,96
425 Overhauling and maintenance 475.000,00 22.954,18 4,83
426 Material 2.850.000,00 1.221.004,30 42,84
482 Taxes, other duties 500.000,00 12.686,00 2,54
483 Fines 1,00 0,00 0,00
512 Machines and equipment 2.000.000,00 1.999.322,38 99,97
TOTAL:   14.845.001,00 8.727.589,87 58,79